Things you’ll need for this lesson:
It’s ok to be experiencing a swirl of emotions right now. Excitement, hope, a few nerves… it’s all part of the personal growth ride. You’re stepping outside your comfort zone, and that’s pretty darn cool.
Now, you’ve likely sketched a mental map of how this journey will unfold thanks to the past couple of lessons. If you’re like most folks, it probably looks like a straight shot to the top, right? But hey, let’s be real from day 1. Your journey isn’t going to be a leisurely stroll in the park. It’s more like a wild, thrilling roller coaster ride! 🎢 Life is sure to pitch some curveballs, challenges, and hurdles at you. You may think it looks like this:
When it actually looks a little more like this:
When you face these rough patches, and self-doubt starts whispering in your ear, remember these two key things:
1️⃣ Lean into your support network at BU 🤗
You’re not on this journey alone. When things get tough, that’s when you rally your support squad at BU. If you’re paired with a coach, lean on them a little harder. Tap into the wisdom and kindness of your fellow members. The secret sauce to staying afloat during difficult times is the support of your tribe.
2️⃣ Reconnect with your “why” 🎯
You started this happiness journey for some solid reasons. It’s time to put those reasons down in a ‘Letter to Self.’ No frills are needed. Just raw, honest truths about why you’re here, working on managing your mind and mastering your emotions. This letter is your personal motivation booster and life jacket when the waters get choppy.
Ready to get started on your letter? Grab a piece of paper or fire up a digital document. This is just for you and is a crucial step in your journey.
When you are done, seal that bad boy up and put it somewhere you won’t forget. Your fridge is a good place, right in front of you when you dip into some late-night chocolate or ice-cream (which we fully support). Make sure to address it as well to “Future Self – when things get tough”.
Big congratulations on getting this one done, as it’s a doozy. And remember, when things DO get tough … open up the letter and have a read. You’ve packed it full of all the reasons you want to be a better you. And make sure to thank your past self for the reminder.
TIP: Do not click mark complete until this activity is DONE. You might have already said to yourself, that’s OK I will do this one later. That’s fine, but until its written, and sealed, this lesson is not complete.