Master the Skill of Happiness with BU Happiness College
Personal Happiness
Become 57% happier by working with your own Personal Happiness Coach
Workplace Happiness
Stand out as an Employer of Choice and get the best out of your team by becoming an Accredited Happy Workplace.
Declan Edwards
Happiness Researcher & Founder
of BU Happiness College
Learn How to Grow Your Happiness At
BU Happiness College
The idea that happiness is a skill has been gaining traction over the past few decades. Positive psychology, mindfulness, and studies on the neuroplasticity of the brain all back it up, happiness is something we can learn and cultivate within ourselves.
The science of how to be happy is out there, but it's not being taught.
The vast majority of people have no idea how to build and strengthen these skills. They didn't learn about these skills at school, they didn't learn them from their parents. And they often don't learn them at their workplace. Skills such as:
This is the purpose of a Happiness College.
We're here to provide the space, the tools, and the accountability for you to learn the skills that matter most in life.
We're here to help you master the skills to be your best, happiest self.
Our Vision is to Grow Global Happiness .. and we can't do that alone.
Whether you like it or not your happiness (or unhappiness) impacts those around you.
By mastering the skills of happiness you become a better partner, a better parent, a better friend, a better colleague, a better leader, and the best version of yourself.
To put it simply - your happiness makes a difference.
And it's through impacts like this that we can achieve our vision together. We'd love for you to be part of this movement toward a happier world.
We would love for you to be part of this ripple effect.

Knowledge you can rely on.
All of our services are upheld by 5 fields of research:
Results we are proud of.
Worldwide coaching clients & graduates.0
Coaching sessions delivered since 2017.0
Accredited Happy Workplaces0
Workplace Happiness Workshops since 20100
Average approval rating.

How improving your happiness improves the world.
We are proud to be a social enterprise that stands for making the world a better place. Thanks to our partnership with B1G1 every action you take with us to improve your happiness also funds a charitable cause that supports the United Nations Global Goals.
Some of Our Awards and Recognition
Some of Our Awards and Recognition

Social Movement
of the Year

Outstanding Specialised Business

Coaching Business
of the Year

Excellence in Customer Service
Highly Recommended

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