Your Support Network

“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together” – African Proverb

We are big fans of this quote, as it so eloquently illuminates the profound significance of community in our quest for happiness. 🌟🌍

While you could absolutely breeze through your Freshman Year here at BU Happiness College as a solo endeavor, we assure you that inviting others into your journey will enrich the experience significantly. 🚀

The companions on your voyage could be friends, family, colleagues, or fellow members of the BU Happiness College. The sheer magic of participating in a community of like-minded individuals cannot be overstated. Through this connection, you’ll not only experience personal growth and enjoy the benefits of collaboration but also positively impact someone else’s journey. 👥💡

Knowing who’s got your back can boost your accountability, strengthen your resilience, and inject a dash of fun into the process. Although the work you’ll be doing here is serious, it doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. 🎭😁

What’s more, the community you’ll find at BU Happiness College is nothing short of extraordinary. People here genuinely care about leading happy lives, making a positive difference, and they are truly kind-hearted. 🌈💖

🌱 ACTION: Take a moment to appreciate those in your support network.

Scribble down the names of individuals who support you, share in your journey, and celebrate your victories. Next to each name, jot down a heartfelt thank you note that speaks to their significance in your life. Perhaps they have done something meaningful for you? Maybe they’ve always been there, or they just rock that awesome fashion sense. Go ahead, be creative! But remember, this is a chance to truly FEEL. Take your time, and deeply connect with the emotions each person stirs within you. 📝💭💕

💡 TIP: As a comfort zone activity for yourself, why not message some or all of the people on your list exactly what you appreciate about them. You would be surprised the amount of impact some kind words has on someone.

If you feel like you’d like to expand this list, stay tuned for the upcoming activity.

P.S. If any of the individuals on your list strike you as someone who could truly benefit from starting their own journey at BU Happiness College, then please direct them to get in contact with us over Facebook or by emailing us at 🎁💼