The Best Way to Approach Your Content

“We all have our paths in life we are supposed to follow to find who we are supposed to be, but it’s not always a straight path. There is something inside of us that guides us, and if you are quiet and listen to it, you’ll be alright” – Ryan Douglas

As you embark on your journey here at the BU Happiness College, you might come with the expectation that there’s a single path that will lead you directly to your desired destination of happiness. You might even entertain the notion that we possess the ultimate, universally perfect answer to cultivating a life of joy. 🚀

However, the reality is different. We don’t hold such an all-encompassing key, simply because no such thing exists. The idea of a one-size-fits-all solution to happiness is as illusory as a unicorn. 🦄

As you begin to delve into the content throughout your Freshman Year, rather than seeing it as a rigid set of rules to adhere to, perceive it as a flexible guidebook designed to assist you on your path towards a happier existence.

Think of it as a shopping experience. When you walk into a clothing store, you don’t anticipate every piece of apparel to be in your size, catered to your style preference, and in your favorite color. Similarly, we encourage you not to expect that every article, meditation, tool, exercise, or workshop will seamlessly resonate with you. 👗

However, we do urge you to ‘try everything on’. Give everything a fair shot and test it out. Discovering elements that don’t resonate with you or don’t seem to work for you is perfectly fine. Those can be left on the shelf, with no need to drag them along your journey to happiness.

On the flip side, when you stumble upon techniques, resources, and shifts in mindset that genuinely influence your life positively, be sure to keep them close. Regularly practice them, revisit them, and allow them to strengthen over time. 🔍

Remember, your primary purpose here is to construct your personal happiness toolkit, resonant with your unique needs, and brimming with techniques that genuinely work for you. It isn’t about what suits others; it’s about listening to your intuition, following your gut instincts, and utilizing the resources and community here at BU to pave your unique path towards a life of joy and fulfillment. 🧰

The upcoming activity is designed to set this process in motion by guiding you to draft your personalized learning plan, tailored to suit your learning style and lifestyle. Let’s jump right in! 🎓