Latest Past Events

Selfcare Month

The purpose of this challenge is to broaden your perspective of self-care from just physical health to also including mental/up-regulating and emotional/down-regulating self-care. The launch session of this challenge will explore the links between health and happiness, unpack different ways for us to support our health holistically, and encourage members to identify and share their…

Health Month

The purpose of this challenge is to utilise their recently built habitbuilding skills and apply them specifically to their health. The launch session of this challenge will explore the links between health and happiness, unpack different ways for us to support our health holistically, and encourage members to identify and share their intentions and practices…

Habits Month

  The purpose of this challenge is to build upon the vision and goals established in January. The aim is to help members turn their broad vision and long-term goals into daily and weekly habits and actions. The launch workshop will explore the value and importance of habits in creating a happier life. It will…