Why You Need to Leave Your Comfort Zone

If you’re not where you want to be in your life, it may be because you’re stuck inside your own comfort zone.   Life is full of opportunities to step outside the comfort zone, but seizing them can be a real challenge. In the warmth of our comfort zone, life feels safe and familiar. But…

How to Shift Your Focus

If you’ve done any exploring of mindfulness or meditation you’ve likely come across the idea that coming back to the present moment is the solution to many of your stresses. Whilst learning to be present is a helpful tool to have in your emotional wellbeing toolkit, it’s impossible to be present all the time. Plus,…

When Positive Thinking Goes Wrong

“Just think positive”, “good vibes only”. Cliched sayings like these have overrun social media, been framed on office walls, and even been stitched into pillows - but did you know that there is a dark side to them? Positive thinking has a dark and dangerous underbelly that often leaves people feeling worse mentally and emotionally…

Mum Rage and How to Navigate It

If you’re a parent there’s a good chance you’ve experienced ‘Mum Rage’ or ‘Parent Rage’. When an outburst of anger feels uncontrollable, intense and sometimes blindsiding or feels like it comes on all of a sudden. It can result in reactive behaviours like yelling, snapping, zoning out, feeling switched off which can then lead you…

Newcastle: How to Beat Burnout

The Place: Charlestown Community Centre, Charlestown, NSW Frederick St, Charlestown, New South Wales, Australia

Science & Evidence backed, Learn 5 practical happiness tools to better recover from burnout, preempt it and prevent it in future. Join us Saturday, 15th of April from 10:00am-11:30am At The Place: Charlestown Community Centre, Charlestown, NSW Grab your ticket for free by using the discount code BUMEMBER https://events.humanitix.com/how-to-beat-burnout/tickets

How to Be Confident

Does it sometimes seem like everyone around you is confident and sure of themselves? Chances are, they have doubts just like you. So what’s the secret they’ve discovered about how to be confident?  They know that confidence is not something you have, it’s something you create. Being confident is nothing more than a feeling of…

Guest Expert Session: How to Have Difficult Conversations at Work

Shelley Johnson is an HR rebel and the founder at Boldside. Her mission: to build leaders they’ll want to follow and teams they’ll never want to leave. Shell has as led large Human Resources teams for over a decade, coaching executives and managers to become leaders people want to follow, and build a culture that…

Building Grit and Mental Toughness

The secret to outstanding achievement isn’t talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence called grit, or mental toughness. Passion gives a person energy for an activity, but perseverance is the quality that keeps them going despite adversity and plateaus in progress. Become a more gritty person—someone with the perseverance to power through difficult…

Body Image: Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

You’ve probably heard of Body Positivity - but what do you know about Body Neutrality?  The topic of body image can feel like it’s a never ending rollercoaster of good days and bad. It can feel like Body Positivity is hard to attain, so let’s learn about the difference between body positivity and exactly what…

How to Make Good Decisions

Calling all overthinkers - this is a workshop for you. All too often we see people get stuck between the ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ steps in the change making process. Often this is because they’re worried about making the wrong decision or taking the wrong action. Unfortunately this leads to a whole lot of procrastination and…

Mastering Money Mindset

How do you feel about money? What’s your relationship with it like? What about your money habits? Whether we like it or not money is going to have an impact on our quality of life. Some studies have even shown that it can have a direct impact on our level of happiness. With this in…

Sensory Overload, Overstimulation and Exploding

Do you feel like sometimes you just ‘explode’? Sometimes you might feel like there’s just too much noise and too many things happening and it’s all a bit overwhelming.  Let’s dive into what’s actually underlying those reactions to the noise and overstimulation… In this workshop we will: Learn what sensory overload is and how it…