Hunter Events – Health, Wealth & Wellbeing Expo
"A jam-packed Health, Wealth & Wellbeing event, where you can get all the best advice, tips and tricks from all the industry professionals. A family friendly event with interactive demonstrations, guest speakers, kids fun and so much more!" We're excited to be a main stallholder at the event and for Declan to be a…
Knowing, and Embodying Your Values
If you’ve been playing in the world of personal development for a while then chances are you’re familiar with the importance of personal values. However, there can often be a distinct gap between logically knowing the importance of values and you actually embodying your values. That’s why we’re spending a whole session exploring values. Join…
True Belonging vs Fitting In
Whether it be in your home environment, at work, in your social and/or family circles, your community etc a longing for belonging is a primal desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Something we are constantly searching for. But sometimes we can also mistake a feeling of belonging with “Fitting In”. …
Making Peace with Mortality
It’s a confronting, and often daunting, reality of life that one day we will all come to pass. Our time here, and our loved one’s time here, does not last forever. Unfortunately in Western culture we’ve tried to turn a blind eye to this reality. Death is often seen as a taboo topic, it’s locked…
The Habit of Happy
“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” — James Openheim We all want to be happy, but we’re hard-wired to focus on what we’re lacking. No wonder we find it so hard. The good news (as you probably know by now) is that happiness is a skill…
Art and Science of Happiness Tour: Maitland
Join us as we bring the Art and Science of Happiness Tour to Maitland! We have broken the fundamentals of happiness down into 5 simple secrets, which we will be presenting to you at the event. You will leave this event feeling that you can finally bring your best self to your loved ones, feel…
Building a Self Care Strategy Sheet
Self Care. It’s one of the foundational and core skill sets here at BU. Without it your happiness journey is going to be dramatically slowed down. Whilst we’ve explored varying ways to practice self care, the importance of self care, and even the difference between self care and self indulgence in previous workshops we haven’t…
End of Year Reflections
Here we are again approaching the end of another calendar year. Too often we speed through the past 12 months, never really taking much time to slow down and reflect on how we're going. This workshop presents a perfect opportunity to do just that. To pause life for a second, reflect on how far we've…
End of Year Reflect, Recharge and Realign
At BU, we often discuss the importance of taking breaks and reconnecting with ourselves. The end-of-year holiday season is a time when we tend to look back and reflect on the year that was and connect with our vision for the year ahead. The BU team will be practising this ourselves from 24th December…
New Year Vision Setting
The start of a new calendar year often presents itself with a sense of hope, change, and optimism. It’s common to experience a boost of motivation and intentionality in the first couple of weeks of January. What is important is to build on that natural momentum, and utilise it to take positive steps forward…
The Basics of Getting Your Sparkle Back
If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed, snappy and irritable or like you’ve lost a little bit of your sparkle - this workshop is for you. This will be a practical ‘being’ session that you will be actively participating in activities during the workshop to help you to take the first steps to feeling more…
How to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Hab-it: a routine or practice performed regularly; an automatic response to a specific situation People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions. Start the year as you mean to go on by uncovering some simple…