Building a Self Care Strategy Sheet

Self Care. It’s one of the foundational and core skill sets here at BU. Without it your happiness journey is going to be dramatically slowed down. Whilst we’ve explored varying ways to practice self care, the importance of self care, and even the difference between self care and self indulgence in previous workshops we haven’t…

End of Year Reflections

Here we are again approaching the end of another calendar year. Too often we speed through the past 12 months, never really taking much time to slow down and reflect on how we're going. This workshop presents a perfect opportunity to do just that. To pause life for a second, reflect on how far we've…

End of Year Reflect, Recharge and Realign

At BU, we often discuss the importance of taking breaks and reconnecting with ourselves. The end-of-year holiday season is a time when we tend to look back and reflect on the year that was and connect with our vision for the year ahead.   The BU team will be practising this ourselves from 24th December…

New Year Vision Setting

The start of a new calendar year often presents itself with a sense of hope, change, and optimism. It’s common to experience a boost of motivation and intentionality in the first couple of weeks of January.    What is important is to build on that natural momentum, and utilise it to take positive steps forward…

The Basics of Getting Your Sparkle Back

If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed, snappy and irritable or like you’ve lost a little bit of your sparkle - this workshop is for you. This will be a practical ‘being’ session that you will be actively participating in activities during the workshop to help you to take the first steps to feeling more…

How to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Hab-it:  a routine or practice performed regularly; an automatic response to a specific situation   People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions. Start the year as you mean to go on by uncovering some simple…

3 Ways to Handle Big Feelings

No matter how much you build your emotional intelligence toolkit you’re always going to face moments of emotional overwhelm. During these moments your emotions can feel like a tidal wave - and before you know it they start seeming too big to handle. Thankfully there are 3 distinct ways to navigate moments like this and…

Port Macquarie – The Art & Science of Happiness

Science & Evidence backed: Learn 5 practical happiness tools based on the most up-to-date happiness research. Join Declan as he presents The Art & Science of Happiness masterclass in Port Macquarie. This is an excellent masterclass to attend and brush up on your fundamental happiness skills. As well as to support BU! You can grab your ticket…

Planning & Organisation To Feel Less Overwhelmed

For a lot of people, planning and organising helps them to feel less overwhelmed. But the actual idea of planning and organising feels overwhelming in itself and so a cycle begins of feeling overwhelmed, procrastinating, not taking action and therefore continuing to feel overwhelmed! If you feel like you have a hundred different tabs open…

How to Get & Stay Motivated

Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast. Sometimes it’s really easy to get motivated, and you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it’s nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself and you're trapped in a death spiral of procrastination.    This is for you if you kicked off…

Maslow’s Hierarchy – learn your human needs

Do you want to learn about what makes humans motivated? Maslow’s Heirachy Of Needs theory was created by psychologist Abraham Maslow and looks at 5 key areas of human needs - essentially what you need to make you feel like the best version of you. Because when you feel like the best version of you,…

Why You Need to Leave Your Comfort Zone

If you’re not where you want to be in your life, it may be because you’re stuck inside your own comfort zone.   Life is full of opportunities to step outside the comfort zone, but seizing them can be a real challenge. In the warmth of our comfort zone, life feels safe and familiar. But…