The Warning Signs of Burnout

The path to burnout can be a slippery slope. It can almost seem as though you’re fine one minute, exhausted the next and considering quitting everything only days later. Unfortunately it can also be difficult to address burnout once it’s got momentum behind it. To help you monitor your burnout risk more proactively we’re going…

Self Compassion vs Self Esteem

Self compassion, somewhere we can go when we fall short. Self-esteem refers to the degree to which we evaluate ourselves positively. It represents how much we like or value ourselves, and is often based on comparisons with others. In contrast, self-compassion is not based on positive judgments or evaluations, it is a way of relating…

Loneliness – the Science & How to Address It

Did you know there is a difference between being lonely and feeling alone? In 2021, Australians reported feelings of loneliness increased from 35% to 44%. This means 1 in 4 Australians feel lonely 2 or more times per week. So let’s look at what loneliness actually is, why you can feel lonely and how to…

How to Free Up Your Time

If you’ve been studying at BU for a while you’d know that we firmly believe in priority management over time management. So, despite the name, this workshop isn’t necessarily going to ‘give’ you any more time in your day (sorry about that). What it will do though is empower you with a selection of tools…

Introversion vs Extroversion; The Myths & The Realities

If you’re anything like our coaching team here at BU chances are you took at least one ‘personality test’ when you were younger in the aim of discovering whether you were an introvert or extrovert. Whilst these frameworks can be useful in helping us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves there is a lot…

Practicing Self Compassion

You’ve learnt about what self compassion, compassion & self esteem are, now let’s actually bring together a whole workshop on HOW to practice this truly empowering skill! In this workshop we will be exploring: Practical ways to build and cultivate a compassionate mind Highlight the ways in which this can empower you to overcome challenges,…

Healthy Connection in Relationships

There are 4 different types of dependency in a relationship and this workshop is going to explore them all. This is important because the type you lean towards can influence many different factors and feelings for you in your every day life such as self esteem, self confidence and your sense of self and identity!…

Guest Expert Session: Tax Time and Financial Fundamentals

Callan is an Experienced Accountant and is skilled in Tax Preparation, Small Business, Xero, Accounting, and Bookkeeping. As our guest expert in finances, join Callan to explore the comparison trap we can get stuck in with finances, especially around tax time, as well as best practices at tax time and learning some tips and tricks…

Designing Your Life Blueprints

Sometimes it can feel as though life is a giant puzzle. At first it can be daunting and overwhelming to consider all the individual puzzle pieces that play their part in your life. Something that can help us to navigate the chaos and confusion of life is to have a clear blueprint for what we…

How to Cultivate a Kind Mind

Have you got a loud inner critic that lerks in the back of your mind? You know that little voice of judgment and self doubt? If you’ve been attending the Happiness College for some time now, you’d know that’s the voice of a harsh inner critic. The antidote to a harsh inner critic is learning…

Understanding Imposter Syndrome & Self Doubt

Imposter syndrome is a pattern of self-doubt that can lead to anxiety, stress, overwhelm and over thinking. If you have ever questioned yourself or felt like you’re ‘not good enough’ at something - this is the workshop for you In this workshop we will cover: What is imposter syndrome? How is imposter syndrome linked to…

Why Gratitude Matters

This workshop is simply about giving you space to practice some different approaches to gratitude. We‘ll also discuss some other reframes for gratitude on those days where you find yourself saying “What am I grateful for? And feeling like you want to say - Nothing!”   Gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to…