BU Christmas Picnic
Hello Beautiful Bu people! The Jolly season is upon us 😃 Come celebrate this crazy year with us and let's all finish it with Joy, Gratitude & Hope for what has been and what may come next with a Picnic at King Edward Park. (Location may change but it will be in the Newcastle area)…
Beginners Guide to Reparenting Yourself (Being Session)
Our childhoods can be filled with a lot of challenges, trauma and adversity. Our childhoods could also be filled with immense joy and happy memories. In this workshop, we are not here to heal past trauma, rather we are here to reflect on what childhood needs of ours went unmet, to reflect on what we…
How to Enjoy the Holiday Season (Doing Session)
The Holiday Season is a time of year we are ‘supposed’ to enjoy, but for a lot of people there can be some big feelings that come up around the holidays as well. Feeling the push-pull of wanting to enjoy the time of year but also being busy, prioritising a host of other people and…
Christmas Break
We hope you enjoy the downtime and the break. The member's hub will still be active for you to access workshops replays and additional resources. Please confirm with your Coach how to best contact them if something urgent arises over the break. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Intentional Year Planning
And just like that another year is upon us. Now is the perfect time to sit down, plan, and bring intentionality to your year ahead. We’re not talking about New Year’s Resolutions, we’re talking about bringing focus and intentionality to how you want to approach the year ahead. Join us as we: Set personal goals…
Forming a Healthier Relationship with Yourself
One of the most important relationships you’ll ever get to make is the one you make with yourself. Make it a healthy one. We have all had experiences, healthy and unhealthy throughout our life, most of those happening in our childhood formative years where we are learning what the world is like. This can influence…
Increasing Your Self Worth
You know the classic affirmation ‘You are enough’ – but how do you actually believe and embody that? In this workshop you will learn what self worth is, what it looks like to you and ways that you can increase your self worth so you are feeling more confident and empowered. Join us to: Identify…
How to Be a Humanistic Leader
It’s been reported that approximately 50% of people in leadership roles don’t feel confident in their ability to be a great leader. Unfortunately it’s often the case that people are thrusted into leadership and then not given any further support or training on how to perform their new role. In this workshop we’ll be diving…
The Science of Happiness
Since we’re all here at a Happiness College we figured that it’s important to explore the age-old question; what is happiness? Luckily for us, we’re not answering this question alone. Join us to explore and unpack what pioneering fields of study such as Positive Psychology, Acceptance & Commitment and Philosophy have to say about happiness.…
Learning How To Down Regulate And Up Regulate Your Self Care
This workshop is about bringing clarity and awareness to building an effective physical self care plan that doesn’t leave you feeling burnt out by the end of the week. The type of training, and the number of sessions, you do has an impact on burn out risk so getting clear on an effective physical self…
Self Sabotage, Negative Self Talk And Procrastination
‘Be mindful of finding holes in your joyful moments. Self sabotage can steal your joy. You deserve to experience the wholeness of good moments and finally give yourself a break from your negative self talk’ Self-sabotage is when you actively or subconsciously take steps to prevent yourself from reaching your goals. This can affect nearly…
How To Stop Worrying About What Other People Think Of You
As humans, we are social by nature and how we are seen by others is a part of how we identify. It is how we create our perception of where we ‘fit’ in the world and in your community, social circles and relationships. The need to fit in and connect is one of six basic…