Understanding the Ego (Thinking Session)

Ego often gets a bad wrap, it can be viewed as something we should move away from or shut down, however, the ego serves a real survival need, it wouldn’t exist if we were not meant to have it. By understanding the how’s and why’s of the ego more deeply, we can better understand ourselves.…

Values & 3 Word Resets (Being Session)

Your values are ever changing and evolving as you evolve and move through the ebbs and flows of life. In some seasons of life you will value things like goal setting and productivity. In others, you will value things like stillness and presence. In this ‘being’ session, Ami will guide you through an active meditation…

MASTERCLASS: Seasonal Self Care

Have you ever noticed that self care can feel more difficult in the times when we need it most? Or that your mood tends to drop during winter? If so, you’re not alone. The good news is that there’s a solution to this. Our self care journeys, much like our lives as a whole, won’t…

Deep Work; How to Perform at Your Best (Doing Session)

Do you consistently get distracted from the important things on your to-do list? Or do you feel as though you’re only performing at 50% of your true potential? If so this is the session for you. There is a huge difference between doing ‘work’ and simply ticking things off our to-do list compared to doing…

How to Overcome People Pleasing (Thinking Session)

People pleasing is very common. We all do it or have done it at some stage in our lives. We can often be left feeling resentful, frustrated and angry. It’s not something we have to completely get rid of though, because there are some real benefits and strengths to doing it, it’s just recognising and…

Recognising Overwhelm & Distraction (Thinking Session)

A 2018 study in the UK showed that 74% of people had felt so stressed they had been overwhelmed and felt unable to cope.  51% of adults who reported feeling stressed also noted feeling depressed and 61% reported feeling anxious.  The study also noted behavioural changes with 46% reporting they ate unhealthily due to stress…

MASTERCLASS: Overcoming Conflict in Relationships

Conflict and disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, but conflict can go one of 2 ways. It can be extremely strengthening in a relationship - encouraging communication and working together as a team, or can be detrimental and cause feelings like anger and underlying resentment.  You will learn: What your current values are…

Escaping the High Achiever Trap (Thinking Session)

Whether you call it a ‘type A’ personality, a go-getter, or an ‘energiser-bunny’ few personalities are as rewarded by society as the high-achiever.    Whilst there are huge strengths to being a high-achiever there are also huge drawbacks to this personality type if you don’t know how to manage it in a healthy way. In…

Uprooting Deep Seeded Beliefs (Doing Session)

When it comes to making the decision to live our lives the way we want to, to feel the happiest and most fulfilled that we can, takes courage. There are going to be times where we doubt ourselves and hold ourselves back because there are deep seeded beliefs below the surface. If we can shine…

3 Pillars of Health (Thinking Session)

Health can feel like a blanket term for multiple aspects in life, but there are 3 core areas of health. A lot of the time you can over-focus on one or 2 of these areas and leave the other by the wayside, which can work for you in the short term, but in the long…

MASTERCLASS: Foundations of Modern Mindfulness

Mindfulness, meditation, slow living, being present. These are terms that are increasingly becoming part of the happiness and wellbeing conversation, and for good reason. Whilst meditation and mindfulness have been recommended practices for some Eastern cultures for thousands of years they are only now becoming popular in Western culture. This has led to the development…

Reigniting Your Spark for Life (Being Session)

Sometimes it feels like life is running a bit flat. Like we’re in a bit of a rut, stuck on a plateau. It’s not as though things are “bad” but there’s a persistent feeling that something is missing - that spark of excitement isn’t as bright as it once was. This is particularly relevant in…