Like anything else in life your personal growth journey will experience highs and lows. All too often we see people fall into the trap of expecting their personal growth to be linear. This is not the case. In fact, some of the steps ‘backward’ can be some of the most valuable parts of your journey;…
What a juicy topic! This isn’t just a workshop for parents, it’s for anybody wanting to better understand their relationships and behaviours to themselves, their parents and to others around them. Join me for this workshop as we explore the different types of parenting styles. Learn to recognise what parenting style you may have experienced…
Sometimes your healthy habits and routines can start to feel like ‘tick boxes’ as you move through your weeks. In this workshop you will learn what intuitive living is and how you can apply it to many different areas of your life including exercise, nutrition and social relationships. You will also learn what it can…
While these words are near cousins, they are not synonymous with one another. Empathy means that you feel what a person is feeling. Sympathy means you can understand what the person is feeling & compassion is the willingness to relieve the suffering of another. Have we got you interested? Join us for this amazing workshop…