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Mum Rage and How to Navigate It

If you’re a parent there’s a good chance you’ve experienced ‘Mum Rage’ or ‘Parent Rage’. When an outburst of anger feels uncontrollable, intense and sometimes blindsiding or feels like it comes on all of a sudden. It can result in reactive behaviours like yelling, snapping, zoning out, feeling switched off which can then lead you…

When Positive Thinking Goes Wrong

“Just think positive”, “good vibes only”. Cliched sayings like these have overrun social media, been framed on office walls, and even been stitched into pillows - but did you know that there is a dark side to them? Positive thinking has a dark and dangerous underbelly that often leaves people feeling worse mentally and emotionally…

How to Shift Your Focus

If you’ve done any exploring of mindfulness or meditation you’ve likely come across the idea that coming back to the present moment is the solution to many of your stresses. Whilst learning to be present is a helpful tool to have in your emotional wellbeing toolkit, it’s impossible to be present all the time. Plus,…