Uprooting Deep Seeded Beliefs (Doing Session)

When it comes to making the decision to live our lives the way we want to, to feel the happiest and most fulfilled that we can, takes courage. There are…

3 Pillars of Health (Thinking Session)

Health can feel like a blanket term for multiple aspects in life, but there are 3 core areas of health. A lot of the time you can over-focus on one…

MASTERCLASS: Foundations of Modern Mindfulness

Mindfulness, meditation, slow living, being present. These are terms that are increasingly becoming part of the happiness and wellbeing conversation, and for good reason. Whilst meditation and mindfulness have been…

Stepping into Leadership (Thinking Session)

‘If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more - you are a leader.’ Being a leader - in the workplace or in your…

Practicing Forgiveness (Doing Session)

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. Forgiveness can be a tricky little thing, it can feel emotionally intense and hard to…

Overcoming Resentment (Being Session)

‘Resentment is the cue that I’m saying yes when I really mean no.’  Resentment is a big feeling that can affect many areas of our lives and many relationships in…

Moving Through Guilt and Shame (Masterclass)

Guilt and shame are powerful emotions. Almost everyone will experience them to different degrees throughout their life. They can have a huge impact on our mental and emotional wellbeing and…