Self Sabotage, Negative Self Talk And Procrastination

‘Be mindful of finding holes in your joyful moments. Self sabotage can steal your joy. You deserve to experience the wholeness of good moments and finally give yourself a break…

Reigniting Your Personal Growth

Like anything else in life your personal growth journey will experience highs and lows. All too often we see people fall into the trap of expecting their personal growth to…

Parenting Styles

What a juicy topic! This isn’t just a workshop for parents, it’s for anybody wanting to better understand their relationships and behaviours to themselves, their parents and to others around…

The Balance Between Intuition And Routine/Discipline

Sometimes your healthy habits and routines can start to feel like ‘tick boxes’ as you move through your weeks.  In this workshop you will learn what intuitive living is and…

The Warning Signs of Burnout

The path to burnout can be a slippery slope. It can almost seem as though you’re fine one minute, exhausted the next and considering quitting everything only days later. Unfortunately…

Self Compassion vs Self Esteem

Self compassion, somewhere we can go when we fall short. Self-esteem refers to the degree to which we evaluate ourselves positively. It represents how much we like or value ourselves,…

Loneliness – the Science & How to Address It

Did you know there is a difference between being lonely and feeling alone? In 2021, Australians reported feelings of loneliness increased from 35% to 44%. This means 1 in 4…

How to Free Up Your Time

If you’ve been studying at BU for a while you’d know that we firmly believe in priority management over time management. So, despite the name, this workshop isn’t necessarily going…