Building Grit and Mental Toughness

The secret to outstanding achievement isn’t talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence called grit, or mental toughness. Passion gives a person energy for an activity, but perseverance…

Body Image: Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

You’ve probably heard of Body Positivity - but what do you know about Body Neutrality?  The topic of body image can feel like it’s a never ending rollercoaster of good…

How to Make Good Decisions

Calling all overthinkers - this is a workshop for you. All too often we see people get stuck between the ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ steps in the change making process. Often…

Mastering Money Mindset

How do you feel about money? What’s your relationship with it like? What about your money habits? Whether we like it or not money is going to have an impact…

Sensory Overload, Overstimulation and Exploding

Do you feel like sometimes you just ‘explode’? Sometimes you might feel like there’s just too much noise and too many things happening and it’s all a bit overwhelming.  Let’s…

Cleaning Out Your Information Diet

What do you feed your mind each day? Are you intentional and mindful about what you consume? Or are you unintentionally fuelling your mind with content that leaves you feeling…

Lessons from the World’s Happiest Countries

When we think of the world's happiest countries, our minds often turn to the Scandinavian nations like Finland, Norway, or Denmark. Year after year, these countries dominate the top positions…

Overcoming Conflict In Relationships

'Because people aren't perfect and relationships are messy, we all need to learn how to better resolve conflicts.'   We have an array of different relationships in our life and…

Resilience 101

Resilience is the ability to positively respond to adversity. From bouncing back from an illness or setback to effectively managing the everyday stress of work, home life, and relationships. We…

Overcoming Emotional Overwhelm

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, many of us experience emotional overwhelm at some point in our lives. It can leave us feeling drained, stressed, and unable to cope with…