Resilience 101

Resilience is the ability to positively respond to adversity. From bouncing back from an illness or setback to effectively managing the everyday stress of work, home life, and relationships. We…

Overcoming Emotional Overwhelm

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, many of us experience emotional overwhelm at some point in our lives. It can leave us feeling drained, stressed, and unable to cope with…

Forging a Resilient Vision

It’s easy to get distracted by unimportant details and events if you don’t have anything specific you’re working towards. Vision is about having clarity so that when things get tough,…

Self Talk, Self Esteem & Self Understanding

“Why should we worry about what others think of us,  do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?”   The relationship you have with yourself…

Keep Calm & Carry On

Composure is your ability to stay calm and in control when facing stress or adversity.  It’s not just the big crises that we face, but also the little everyday things.…

Making Big Life Changes

When we find ourselves at crossroads in life, contemplating big changes can be both exciting and daunting. Whether it's pursuing a new career path, relocating to a different city, or…

Contribution Month

Dream Big & Make a Difference! Dive into this challenge to discover something beyond just 'you'. Ever heard of the 17 United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals? Well, it's time…

Relationships Month

Ready to elevate your connections? This challenge is all about cherishing and deepening your relationships! Start by pinpointing a special someone you'd love to bond with even more this month,…

Grit Month

Welcome to a month of growth and resilience, where we focus on the power of grit. As we approach the end of the year, it's the perfect time to stretch…

Habits Month

  The purpose of this challenge is to build upon the vision and goals established in January. The aim is to help members turn their broad vision and long-term goals…

Health Month

The purpose of this challenge is to utilise their recently built habitbuilding skills and apply them specifically to their health. The launch session of this challenge will explore the links…